
Barton Phillips Home Page

Our domain is bartonphillips.com
Start: Tuesday October 15, 2024 18:43:51 EDT in New Bern, NC
Today is: Tuesday October 15, 2024 18:43:51 EDT

This page is dynamically generated using PHP on our server at DigitalOcean.com. Very little JavaScript is used in this page. We collect "Google Analytics", "Google Maps" geo-positioning data, fingerprint data, and a COOKIE called 'mytime', which is used to tell how long some anonymous person has stayed on our site. Privacy Statement.

However, some of the pages we link to do collect tracking information and COOKIES and make extensive use of JavaScript.

Visit one of the other websites designed by Barton Phillips

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Interesting Sites

About the Internet

Useful Programs and Tutorials


Demo plus Source.

Useful Programs

My GitHub and PHPClasses projects