
Barton Phillips Home Page

When Is Easter?

This page can calculate the date of Easter for many many years to come. The following holidays which are associated with Easter can also be calculated:

This is done by a PHP Class. You can download the class from GitHub.

Here is this file (easter-example.php). It uses 'SiteClass' (the require_once at the top) which you can get from GitHub

// BLP 2023-02-25 - use new approach
// This file show the date of easter given a year. It uses the class easterdatecalculator.php on
// github.

$_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOADNAME"));
$S = new $_site->className($_site);

$day = new easterdatecalculator;

if (empty($_POST['year'])) {
  $year = date("Y");
} else {
  $year = $_POST['year'];

$easterExample = escapeltgt(file_get_contents("easter-example.php"));

$easterExample = <<<EOF
<p>Here is this file (easter-example.php). It uses 'SiteClass' (the require_once at the top)
which you can get from <a href="https://github.com/bartonlp/site-class">GitHub</a></p>
<div id='easterExample'>
<pre class='brush: php'>

// My birthday is April 11, 1944. this shows how many times Easter has and will fall on that date.
// Of course I may not be around for all of these.

for($i=1944; $i < 2070; ++$i) {
  $days = easter_days($i);
  $t = 20 + $days;
  if($t > 30) {
    $t -= 30;
    $easter = "04-$t";
  } else {
    $easter = "03-$t";
//  echo "$days, $t, $i-$easter<br>";

  if($easter == "04-11") {
    $mybday[] = "$i-$easter";

$S->title = "Easter Date Calculator";
$S->extra = '<script src="https://bartonphillips.net/js/syntaxhighlighter.js"></script>';

$S->h_inlineScript = <<<EOF
function re_calc() {
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
  $("#show").on("click", function() {

$S->link = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bartonphillips.net/css/theme.css">';

$S->css = <<<EOF
.syntaxhighlighter {
  height: 10rem;
  font-size: .8rem !important;
code {
  background-color: lightgray;
  padding: .1rem .5rem;
#easterExample {
  width: 100%;
#code { display: none; border: 1px solid black; }
#year {
  font-size: 1em;
  width: 4rem;
  padding: .5em;

[$top, $footer] = $S->getPageTopBottom();

$path = __DIR__;

echo <<<EOF
<h1>When Is Easter?</h1>
<p>This page can calculate the date of Easter for many many years to come. The following holidays which are associated with
Easter can also be calculated:</p>
<li>Fashing/Karnaval (Mardi Grass)   -49 days from Easter
<li>Ash Wednesday -46 days from Easter
<li>Good Friday    -2 days from Easter
<li>Assention     +39 days from Easter
<li>Pentecost     +49 days from Easter

<p>This is done by a PHP Class. You can download the class from 
<a href="https://github.com/bartonlp/easterdatecalculator">GitHub</a>.</p>
<button id="show">Show Code</button>
<div id="code">$easterExample</div>
<form id='thisform' name='thisform' method='post'>
Enter The Year You Are Interested In:
<input type='text' id='year' name='year' value="$year"
  onchange='re_calc();' autofocus><br/>
Easter is on {$day->easter($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br/>
Mardi Gras on {$day->mardi_grass($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br>
Assention on {$day->assention($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br>
Pentacost on {$day->pentecost($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br>

<p>My birthday is April 11, 1944. Easter falls on that date on these years from 1944 to 2070</p>

foreach($mybday as $date) {
  echo "$date<br>\n";
echo <<<EOF
<p>Of course I may not make it to 122 years old.</p>

Enter The Year You Are Interested In:
Easter is on 2025-04-20, day of year=110
Mardi Gras on 2025-03-02, day of year=61
Assention on 2025-05-29, day of year=149
Pentacost on 2025-06-08, day of year=159

My birthday is April 11, 1944. Easter falls on that date on these years from 1944 to 2070


Of course I may not make it to 122 years old.