When Is Easter?
This page can calculate the date of Easter for many many years to come. The following holidays which are associated with Easter can also be calculated:
- Fashing/Karnaval (Mardi Grass) -49 days from Easter
- Ash Wednesday -46 days from Easter
- Good Friday -2 days from Easter
- Assention +39 days from Easter
- Pentecost +49 days from Easter
This is done by a PHP Class. You can download the class from GitHub.
Here is this file (easter-example.php). It uses 'SiteClass' (the require_once at the top) which you can get from GitHub
<?php // BLP 2023-02-25 - use new approach // This file show the date of easter given a year. It uses the class easterdatecalculator.php on // github. $_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOADNAME")); $S = new $_site->className($_site); $day = new easterdatecalculator; if (empty($_POST['year'])) { $year = date("Y"); } else { $year = $_POST['year']; } $easterExample = escapeltgt(file_get_contents("easter-example.php")); $easterExample = <<<EOF <p>Here is this file (easter-example.php). It uses 'SiteClass' (the require_once at the top) which you can get from <a href="https://github.com/bartonlp/site-class">GitHub</a></p> <div id='easterExample'> <pre class='brush: php'> $easterExample </pre> </div> EOF; // My birthday is April 11, 1944. this shows how many times Easter has and will fall on that date. // Of course I may not be around for all of these. for($i=1944; $i < 2070; ++$i) { $days = easter_days($i); $t = 20 + $days; if($t > 30) { $t -= 30; $easter = "04-$t"; } else { $easter = "03-$t"; } // echo "$days, $t, $i-$easter<br>"; if($easter == "04-11") { $mybday[] = "$i-$easter"; } } $S->title = "Easter Date Calculator"; $S->extra = '<script src="https://bartonphillips.net/js/syntaxhighlighter.js"></script>'; $S->h_inlineScript = <<<EOF function re_calc() { document.forms['thisform'].submit(); } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#show").on("click", function() { $("#code").show(); $(this).hide(); }); }); EOF; $S->link = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bartonphillips.net/css/theme.css">'; $S->css = <<<EOF .syntaxhighlighter { height: 10rem; font-size: .8rem !important; } code { background-color: lightgray; padding: .1rem .5rem; } #easterExample { width: 100%; } #code { display: none; border: 1px solid black; } #year { font-size: 1em; width: 4rem; padding: .5em; } EOF; [$top, $footer] = $S->getPageTopBottom(); $path = __DIR__; echo <<<EOF $top <h1>When Is Easter?</h1> <p>This page can calculate the date of Easter for many many years to come. The following holidays which are associated with Easter can also be calculated:</p> <ul> <li>Fashing/Karnaval (Mardi Grass) -49 days from Easter <li>Ash Wednesday -46 days from Easter <li>Good Friday -2 days from Easter <li>Assention +39 days from Easter <li>Pentecost +49 days from Easter </ul> <p>This is done by a PHP Class. You can download the class from <a href="https://github.com/bartonlp/easterdatecalculator">GitHub</a>.</p> <button id="show">Show Code</button> <div id="code">$easterExample</div> <form id='thisform' name='thisform' method='post'> Enter The Year You Are Interested In: <input type='text' id='year' name='year' value="$year" onchange='re_calc();' autofocus><br/> Easter is on {$day->easter($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br/> Mardi Gras on {$day->mardi_grass($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br> Assention on {$day->assention($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br> Pentacost on {$day->pentecost($year)}, day of year=$day->dayofyear<br> </form> <p>My birthday is April 11, 1944. Easter falls on that date on these years from 1944 to 2070</p> <p> EOF; foreach($mybday as $date) { echo "$date<br>\n"; } echo <<<EOF <p>Of course I may not make it to 122 years old.</p> <hr> $footer EOF;
My birthday is April 11, 1944. Easter falls on that date on these years from 1944 to 2070
Of course I may not make it to 122 years old.