This program gets two pieces of information from my home page (
The 'r1' looks like this:
The 'r2' looks like this:
The information is displayed below in boxes 'r1' and 'r2'. You can look at the source code by clicking on the button below.
<?php // BLP 2023-02-25 - use new approach // scraper-await-fetch.php // BLP 2021-09-26 -- remove hard r1, r2 and get it from // Demo shows how to use PHPHtmlParser to scrape a webpage. // The demo uses an 'async function' to get two set of information from my website. // It uses a GET and a POST 'fetch' and awaits each and then returns the two results. // The PHPHtmlParser\Dom is a great way to scrape information off of websites. I use it to // scrape stock information from the Wall Street Journal website and it works great. // // This demo uses my SiteClass mini-framework. Full documentation can be found at // // Instanciate the SiteClass $_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOADNAME")); $S = new $_site->className($_site); use PHPHtmlParser\Dom; // We have two demo server function that return pieces of my webpage. // We use 'fetch()' instead of AJAX as it uses Promises and is easier to use. // If $_GET['page'] equals 'one'. This is a GET call from 'sql()' if($_GET['page'] == 'one') { $dom = new Dom; // grab the file. We need the HTML not PHP so we use the 'https' protocal. // The returned information is just the html. $x = $dom->loadFromUrl(""); // Get everything from the <section> with the id of 'others' $mysite = $x->find("#others"); $ret = ['mysite'=>trim($mysite->innerHTML)]; //BLP 2021-09-26 -- remove leading and trailing spaces $ret = json_encode($ret); echo $ret; exit(); }; // If $_POST['page'] equals 'two'. This a POST call from 'sql()' if($_POST['page'] == 'two') { $dom = new Dom; // Same as above. $x = $dom->loadFromUrl(""); // This time we get two <h2> item from each section. $interesting = $x->find("#interesting")->innerHTML; $ret = ['interesting'=>trim($interesting)]; // BLP 2021-09-26 -- remove leading and trailing spaces $ret = trim(json_encode($ret)); echo $ret; exit(); } // This is the source code and we change all of the < and > to '<', '>' $sourceCode = escapeltgt(file_get_contents('scraper-await-fetch.php')); $S->title = "Scraper Demo"; $S->banner = "<h1>Scraper, Async, Fetch</h1>"; // The css is for the two sections scraped from my webpage. $S->css = <<<EOF #r1, #r2 { border: 1px solid black; padding: .5rem; overflow: auto; } #info p { color: red; } pre { background: lightblue; margin: 5px; padding: 5px; overflow-x: auto; } .mylinks { text-align: center; margin: auto; border-spacing: .5rem; } EOF; $S->h_script = <<<EOF <!-- We use syntaxhighliter and the theme.css to show the sourcecode. --> <script src=""></script> <link rel='stylesheet' href=""> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // If you click on the 'Show Source Code' button we display the code via 'syntaxhightliter'. // We need to escape the dollar signs in the `...` sections with '\$' because this is part of the PHP. // Note, that 'syntaxhighlighter' changes the <pre class='brush: php'> into <div>s. // The div class is 'syntaxhightlighter'. $('#source').hide(); // Hide the source code. $('#showsource').on("click", function(e) { $('#showsource').remove(); $('#source').show(); }); // While loading the async stuff put up a message $("#info").html("<p>Loading <img src=''></p>"); // Get the two 'fetch()' items from the server. sql().then(d => { // d has the two items r1 and r2. //console.log("d:", d); let r1 = d.r1.mysite; r1 = r1.replaceAll(/</g, "<").replaceAll(/>/g, ">").replaceAll(/> /g, "> "); //console.log("r1:", r1); $("#r1").html(r1); let r2 = d.r2.interesting; r2 = r2.replaceAll(/</g, "<").replaceAll(/>/g, ">").replaceAll(/> /g, "> "); //console.log("r2:", r2); $("#r2").html(r2); $("#info").html( `r1: <div id='r1'> \${d.r1.mysite}</div> r2: <div id="r2"> \${d.r2.interesting}</div>`); }) .catch(err => console.log(err)); // catch any errors // an 'async function' that does a GET 'fetch()' and a POST 'fetch()' async function sql() { // The information comes back as 'json' so convert it. // This could have all been done with a single fetch but I have used two for demo purpuses. // The fist does a GET and the second does a POST. let r1 = await fetch("scraper-await-fetch.php?page=one").then(data => data.json()); let r2 = await fetch("scraper-await-fetch.php", { body: "page=two", // make this look like form data method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' // We need the x-www-form-urlencoded type } }).then(data => data.json()); return {r1: r1, r2: r2}; }; }); </script> EOF; [$top, $footer] = $S->getPageTopBottom(); // Now render the page. // Note that the <pre> is turned into <div>'s by 'syntaxhightlighter' so we need to use the new // class name as mentioned above. echo <<<EOF $top <hr> <p>This program gets two pieces of information from my home page (</p> <p>The 'r1' looks like this:</p> <pre id='r1'> </pre> <p>The 'r2' looks like this:</p> <pre id='r2'> </pre> <p>The information is displayed below in boxes 'r1' and 'r2'. You can look at the source code by clicking on the button below.</p> <button id="showsource">Show Source Code</button> <div id="source"> <pre class='brush: php'>$sourceCode</pre> </div> <div id='info'></div> <hr> $footer EOF;